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Prisoners tortured in Iraq

One of the reasons I didn't post on this topic sooner is that if I'd posted my initial reactions candidly, I would probably regret it (here's a hint: it involved the culpable American soldiers and a bridge). Dammit, we did not need anything to make this job more difficult than it already is.

I understand what others have pointed out, that these are the actions of a warped few, and are not representative of our servicemen and women as a whole. I further appreciate how these images, disgusting as they are, do not rise to the level of either My Lai or the genuine torture that was de rigueur in Saddam's regime.

Nonetheless, the stupidity of these few has resulted in a full-scale PR disaster. Worse, it is far more than a simple "image" problem. There will be repercussions from this.

President Bush has appropriately expressed disgust. I do not envy these low-lifes who have incurred the wrath of an embattled, vindictive president during an election season. Whatever punishment they receive, however, will be less than they deserve.