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Summer break

I'm going to be taking off for the next three weeks to focus on some fiction writing projects (stop that laughing!). I'll be spending most of that time in the piney woods of Pennsylvania, with little or no access to the internet. Blogging during this time will be light to nonexistent.

This will, of course, necessitate my missing the thrill and non-stop excitement of the Republican convention, but some sacrifices do have to be made.

It's probably good time for a break anyway. When I come back, around Labor Day weekend, the campaign season will begin in earnest. We'll finally have to start taking those polls seriously!

But I'll be tanned, rested, and ready (well maybe rested, at least), and I hope you'll be back here with me.

By the way, spammers, for some reason, like to post ads for penis enlargement products and Viagra (tm) in the comments section of this blog. You might see some of these appear in my absence, since I won't be around to keep them pruned out. Do not be alarmed. (Oh, and let me know if those "enlargement" techniques actually work, should you be tempted to experiment).

Have a happy remaining summer, and I'll look forward to talking with you again soon.