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A question for the readers

Both sides of the campaign have hypocritically demanded that the opposing candidate sign a Form 180, thereby releasing their complete military records to the public. To the best of my knowledge, neither side has complied, although Bush released his records via executive order, an option Kerry does not have.

Now the Democrats can grouse that the White House has been less than forthcoming on the issue, but it does beg the question of why Kerry won't just sign the damn form. It would be a huge PR coup for him, far more effective than wheeling around a triple amputee to play "mailman" on a Texas ranch. He could sign it on camera, with his "band of brothers" in attendance, and challenge Bush to do the same, thus unambiguously seizing the moral high ground. Can you imagine? It could be devastating.

So why doesn't he do it? Clearly, he doesn't want to. I wonder why. After all, it's Kerry, not Bush, who is running on his military record; and it's Kerry, not Bush, who seems more recalcitrant on the issue of releasing the relevant documentation. Still, for the record, I'd like Bush to sign a Form 180 as well, just to remove any potential ambiguities involving the executive order.

The problem is, I don't know for a fact that he has not already done so. In my research, I've found conflicting accounts. Many people claim that Bush has signed the form, while others deny it. It's hard to prove a negative, of course, but I haven't seen any documentation supporting the claims that Bush signed the form either.

Can anyone out there confirm whether or not Bush actually signed the form? You can post a comment below, or discuss the matter here.


Regarding Bush's 180, I can't find a clear answer either. Absence of evidence is not usually evidence of abscence... except in this case it probably is. You would think that if the form existed, it would be prominently linked from the White House or the campaign website. It could also be a PR win for Bush as Kerry, albeit on a smaller scale.

My guess is you're right. He didn't sign it.

If Bush did sign it, it should be in the National Archives.

I'm not positive, but I don't think either has signed the form. I don't understand why they haven't. Both should. I would think that whatever came out couldn't truly harm either, and possibly help.

I really don't understand why Kerry hasn't. It makes no sense.


Standard Form 180 (SF 108), REQUEST PERTAINING TO MILITARY RECORDS is available at http://www.archives.gov/research_room/obtain_copies/standard_form_180.pdf on the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) web site.

I have no knowledge if either President Bush or Senator Kerry have requested and authorized release of records.

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