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Kerry's Tora Bora two-step

There's no doubt that John Kerry has now "found his voice," and to some extent, it seems to be effective. The problem is that his "voice" often stands in sharp contrast to his political track record.

The "Bush outsourced Tora Bora" canard is now a staple in the Kedwards debates and stump speeches. The substance of the charge was discussed here and elsewhere, but Rich Lowry does an excellent job of illustrating that this is just another (particularly egregious) Kerry flip-flop.

At the time, Kerry was all for it. He told an interviewer in late 2001 that the United States could avoid making Afghanistan into another Vietnam, "as long as we make smart decisions, and we don't go in and repeat what the British or the Russians tried to do. And I don't think we will; I think we're on a different footing." In mid-December 2001, right in the middle of the battle of Tora Bora, he supported the administration's strategy: "I think we have been smart. I think the administration leadership has done it well, and we are right on track." Kerry only cautioned against using too much force: "I am not for a prolonged bombing campaign," he said.
At the time, Kerry even weighed in sympathetically on the battle of Tora Bora. On Jan. 20, 2002, Kerry said on CNN: "I do think some people have asked some questions about how that particular component of the mission sort of played out. But the fact is that it is a difficult place. He is elusive. I think they are doing the maximum amount right now possible to try to track him down."

Kerry now says there's no way he would have missed the opportunity the United States had at Tora Bora. What he said three years ago argues otherwise. This controversy is only more evidence that what the senator will never miss is an opportunity to be opportunistic.
