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Why am I even doing this?

Well, I'm not sure. But I'm listening to Randi Rhodes on Air America. The election was "stolen," she insists. Her proof? People don't stand in long lines to vote for the status quo. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

And it's Republicans, we're told, who are unable to assume any responsibility? Unbelievable.

Look, guys, no one likes to admit this. But your guy lost. Period. End of story. That can be tough to accept, but it's part of the process. It's a crucial, necessary step if you are to come back next time and win. Grow. Adapt. Learn from your mistakes. What did we do wrong this time, and how can we do it better the next? This "we didn't lose, they cheated!" excuse is not only infantile, but ultimately self-defeating.

UPDATE: Randi Rhodes is now telling me I will be "so damn sorry" if I gloat. Thanks.


Bush stole the election? Again? Pluuuuuuuueeeeze.

If the Democrats had taken responsibility for losing 2000 instead of focusing on how Bush stole it, they might have dealt with some of their own issues (not the least of which is picking their candidates) and they would be claiming victory today.

Gore lost because he was the weaker candidate.
Kerry lost because he was the weaker candidate.

Will the dems taking responsibility for themselves time time around? or will they continue to wear their weakness on their sleeves by giving all their power away to the republicans by crying victim?

Will the people responsible for Kerry's failed campaign be held accountable? Will Terry McAuliffe be fired? Will a reasonable Senate Minority Leader be selected? Will they stop the fillibusters? Will they demonstrate they can handle responsibility by taking responsibility for themselves?

What I'm really wondeirng is, will they figure it out by 2008 or will it be another red victory?

Not to gloat or anything, but...


What a pleasure to hear that Rhodes remains in denial. Not a surprise, mind you, but a pleasure.

Because until my former party starts to do some serious soul-searching that maybe, just maybe, the SOS that they trot out every four years is falling on increasingly deaf ears, they will sell themselves again on it in 2008.

And lose...again.

uh... go bush??...!!!!

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