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Susan Estrich, harpy

When I first heard that some people were objecting to John McCain's cameo role in some titty movie, I naturally assumed they were conservative religious zealots for whom Senator McCain was a treasonous Rino. But no, the first shots fired were from professional harpy and Democratic harridan Susan Estrich.

You'd think Estrich would welcome evidence that the GOP is not held entirely in thrall by the religious right, but I guess not. With prominent Democrats resorting to this kind of nonsense, it's proof positive that the Rove/Plame "scandal" is panning out to be a major disappointment for their party.


Other an excuse to post your favorite photo, what exactly is the basis of your proof? Estrich is a columnist who is still angry at Michael Kinsley of the Los Angeles Times, among other people. Yes, she worked for Michael Dukakis and is in a few papers, but a prominent Democrat? And this is somehow proof that the Plame investigation is ..

Please. Besides, I hear the movie is pretty good. It just got two thumbs up from Ebert and Roeper. By the nature of your post, I thought McCain appeared in "Debbie Does Phoenix" or "Deep Arizona." Instead, he was in a new middle of the road comedy. I mean Orrin Hatch was in "Traffic."

Well, like I said, you found an excuse to post the photo. I haven't read Estrich in years and I didn't find anything in this column to make me want to read her. I guess, however, that I'm not a regular reader of the Myrtle Beach Sun News like you are.

>Well, like I said, you found an excuse to post the photo.

I think perhaps I'll just abandon all pretense in the future and just post it randomly every few weeks for no reason at all.

I shudder every time you post this picture. Estrich looks positively demonic.

Can this woman possibly be happy? Really, as irritating as she can be, I feel sorry for the chain smoking old hag.

"I think perhaps I'll just abandon all pretense in the future and just post it randomly every few weeks for no reason at all."

I second that motion!

Pit her against James Carville in a battle of the gargoyles.

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