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Announcing my candidacy

As I mentioned earlier, Jon Corzine has announced that congressman Robert Menendez will serve the remainder of Corzine's term as senator when Corzine moves into (or doesn't) the governor's mansion.

The thing is, that will leave my congressional district unrepresented. Now I'm a relative newcomer to Jersey politics, and I don't know all the details of how things work, but the general rule of thumb seems to be "The governor makes the rules."

I'm led to assume, then, that Jon Corzine will backfill Menendez's House seat as well. Governor-elect Corzine, if you're reading this, I'd like to encourage you to appoint me to represent New Jersey's 13th district, in the spirit of bipartisanship and "reaching out."

Rest assured that I would be the kind of "Republican" that New Jersey can be comfortable with. I am staunchly pro-choice and pro-stem cell research. I'm also pro-assault weapon, but, well, you can't have everything.


i'm pretty sure the seat is vacant till the 11/06 election.
Senate seats are filled till the next election but House seats aren't, I don't thiunk.
So, you're unrepresented! Which may be better than having stooge Menendez doing it.

Yeah, I don't have a problem with that at all, actually. And perhaps in 2006, "No One" would actually have a fighting chance, what with the advantages of incumbency and all.

Actually, your State's Secretary of State (Regena L. Thomas, according to the latest World Almanac) will have to announce a Special election if the seat will otherwise remain vacant for more than 180 days (IIRC). The Governor cannot appoint members to the House, since the Constitution requires that they be elected directly by the people of the various States.

Best of luck on the campaign trail, though.

I hear that you're a carpetbagger. (Have you visited all the towns in the district?)

> I hear that you're a carpetbagger.

Really, PE, I see no reason to drag my sex life into this.

Alas, the campaign has turned ugly already....

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