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Best quote of the day

On days like this when I'm starting to feel overwhelmed by the pressures of work and other responsibilities, I can always count on the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal to bolster my spirits. This paragraph from today's paper cheered me up immensely.

One of Europe's moral conceits is to fret constantly about the looming outbreak of fascism in America, even though it is on the Continent itself where the dictators seem to pop up every couple of decades. Then Europe dials 9-11, and Washington dutifully rides to the rescue. The last time was just a few years ago, as U.S. firepower stopped Slobodan Milosevic, who had bedeviled Europe for years.

Tee hee.

The context was discussing Europe's phony-baloney hand-wringing about "secret" CIA prisons on European soil. The whole thing is well worth a read, but the graf above stands on its own.

And why it's good and noble to openly discuss "secret" CIA prisons while it's treasonous to mention that Valerie Plame worked for the CIA is left as an exercise for the reader.


U.S. firepower stopped Slobodan Milosevic, who had bedeviled Europe for years.
And we've been reaping the benefits all that Muslim gratitude ever since.

Let's see, you equate illegal CIA prisons where illegal torture is being done in voilation of international treaties to clearly violating a law that forbids exposing CIA agents, their children and families to possible kidnapping, extortion, and murder.

Wow, another home run of Neocon logic!

My favorite quote, I forget who said it:

"Torture is illegal. You are either against torture, or you are with the criminals who support it."

It is every American serviceman's duty to refuse to obey illegal orders. Nuremberg proved that. Also see "A Few Good Men" for a refresher.

Does this mean that the Wall Street Journal now supports BILL CLINTON'S military action in Kosovo?

Jill, it's been a while ago, but I'm pretty sure I recall the WSJ OpEd page being generally supportive of America's actions in Kosovo.

I was completely against it. As I always said, we should have jumped in, but one the OTHER side.

Look at the thanks we get for helping the poor Muslim "victims" ... of course, their victimhood later turned out to be mostly lies, and then the Muslims went on to commit real atrocities after we crippled the Christian forces.

I'll give Bush credit for one thing -- the right people are dying this time. Score one for Dumb Dubya, regardless of his real motives.

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