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This is depressing

As if the rumor about Matt Damon and Ben Affleck redoing "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" weren't bad enough, now I have to contend with the prospect of Brangelina desecrating Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged. I don't think you have to be a devout Objectivist to feel apprehensive about this project.

I'll confess that I have less patience for Rand's writings than I did in my college days. Her rigid, pedantic prose quickly wore thin on me. Moreover, despite Rand's personal hostility toward religion, she ironically managed to create a religion herself, one that's every bit as unyielding and dogmatic as any other kind of fundamentalism.

Still, if I'm being totally honest, she probably had as big an influence on my own political philosophy as any one, single person. When I first encountered her work some 20 years ago, it changed my way of thinking in profound ways, as only a small handful of books have ever done.

Despite her hidebound dogmatism, I still find her straightforward, across-the-board skepticism of the modern, collectivist state to be more appealing and intellectually honest than the convenient piecemeal antistatism of modern-day conservatism and liberalism, both of which can talk a mean game about individual liberties... except when it comes to all those unpleasant activities which they really, really want to regulate.

Rand still occupies a soft spot in my heart, and I have a feeling that her work deserves a better treatment than Mr. Pitt and Ms. Jolie are likely to give it. Bummer.


Sooooo...Whaddya think of this week's American Idol?

Wait...They're remaking Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid? Why?!

I have never been able to finish even one of Rand's books. I keep trying, but...

WF - did Pickler really deserve to leave? Was she the last North Carolinan (Carolinian?)?

K, the rumor about Butch Cassidy seems (thankfully) to have been baseless.

If you'd like to try a Rand novel (you may not) try starting with "Anthem." You can read it in a day, but still get the gist of her philosophy.

And I believe Chris Daughtry is also a Tarheel, if I'm not mistaken.

Moreover, despite Rand's personal hostility toward religion, she ironically managed to create a religion herself, one that's every bit as unyielding and dogmatic as any other kind of fundamentalism

Isn't it always the way?

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