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Um, just for the record?

Mark Foley does not make me horny. No, not even a little.

Okay, well, maybe just the tiniest bit, but mostly just no.

I guess if I were forced to endure unwanted sexual advances from a sitting congresscritter, I guess I'd pick Stephanie Herseth.

Okay, that's all I really have to say about that.


Surely if this pervert were a Democrat you would have a LOT to say.

Oops, the Party of Values has now been caught in lies, bribes, pedophilia, and treason. Not bad for only having a few years of absolute power.

Foley must be a very ill person. I wonder how he could stay in congress or even make it into congress.
Something must be wrong with the electoral system.

Thank you for sharing this story with me !

Proof that all Republicans are perverts!


"Proof that all Republicans are perverts!" (anony-MOUSE)

Yes and the pictures of John Wayne Gacey with Jimmy & Rosalynn Carter prove that ALL Liberal Democrats are serial killers.

No wonder most Americans despise politicans.

1. It was just about sex
2. Everybody does it.
3. The timing of this is suspicious.
4. He's obviously the victim of a vast, left wing conspiracy.
Did I miss any talking points?

Well it isn't like he got a BJ from an consenting adult. Now that would have been serious.

Well, I think the case of Foley is not funny at all. It shows the depth of corruption in the republican party. It has now come out that Reynolds' NRCC received $100,000 from Foley in July, after he learned about Foley's inappropriate emails. The republican party of today is probably the most corrupt in the history of the country.

The republican party of today is probably the most corrupt in the history of the country. [Blue Wind}

It would be if your party didn't exist.

Take the time to research all congressional/executive scandals from the last 30 years and prepare yourself for a shock.

> Take the time to research all congressional/executive scandals from the last 30 years and prepare yourself for a shock.

Or just go here.

Take the time to research all congressional/executive scandals from the last 30 years and prepare yourself for a shock.

Hey, I am not talking about 30 years ago. I am talking about NOW. The depth of corruption in TODAY'S republican party is beyond comprehension. Just look at the leader of the republicans (George W. Bush). This week he will be fundraising for 2 congressmen from California that are under investigation for the Abramoff scandal. Just think about it. He will be fundraising for 2 congressmen that may ultimately be indicted. Why? Because all they care is to maintain the majority in congress and senate. Thats why Hastert and rest were covering for Foley for all thar time. Corruption and desperation have taken over the GOP.

> Hey, I am not talking about 30 years ago. I am talking about NOW.

Blue, to be fair, you're the one who called the Republican party "...the most corrupt in the history of the country." If you don't want to look at "history" and only want to focus on "NOW" then perhaps you shouldn't have made the claim. By doing so, you invited us to look at... well, "history."

BTW, here's a handy formula for determining which major party is more corrupt at any given point in history: look at which party's in power.

look at which party's in power.

On this we agree completely. Power corrupts and absolute power absolutely corrupts.

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