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McCain Derangement Syndrome reaches a new low

Okay, I will not even link to this. I effing refuse. But I've just read right-wing criticism of John McCain that focused on two points.

  1. He was "pampered" in that North Vietnamese prison cell because his father was an admiral.
  2. His refusal to be released and leave his men behind violated his sworn duty as a soldier to seek escape if at all possible.

You sad, pathetic, knuckle-dragging idiots. Do you really want to go to war against McCain with this? If John McCain really violated his oath as a soldier, do you believe for one second that it's somehow a mark against his character, or will hurt him in his campaign?

What the blue f*ck is wrong with you people? I don't even know you! I'm also hearing "conservative" slams against McCain for "pulling strings" in order to get him into Vietnam. Not out of it, but into it. For God's sake, what kind of Republicans are you?


I haven't seen those kind of comments, but there are certainly no shortage of kooks on both sides.

Most Liberals are not Dennis Kucinich's or Bailey Hankins' and most Conservatives and Libertarians are not Anne Coulter's or Ron Paul's.

G W Bush was exactly the same kind of Republican that John McCain is now, when he ran for office back in 2000 - a Republican steeped in bipartisanship, famous for being able to get along well with and forge Bills with Democrats, when in Texas, pro-Free Trade, pro-Supply Side (Low tax) policies and in favor of the status quo on ILLEGAL immigration.

I have pretty much the same problems with McCain that I do with G W Bush.

That's why I don't understand all the vitriol from some quarters squandered on McCain. Yes, I'd like a more traditionally Conservative candidate. Yes I disagree with many of his past stands - McCain-Feingold and McCain-Kennedy to name but two, BUT he's no worse, on those issues, than the guy we have in office NOW!

In fact G W Bush FOUGHT HARD FOR McCain-Kennedy's passage!!!

You have to be honest about things. McCain's far from perfect, but so is Mitt Romney, for that matter, so is G W Bush, but you take what you can get, which is often the lesser of two poor choices.

'What the blue fuck is wrong with you people? I don't even know you! I'm also 'hearing "conservative" slams against McCain for "pulling strings" in order to get him into Vietnam. Not out of it, but into it. For God's sake, what kind of Republicans are you?'

hence, purist little drama queens. And I apologize for last time if I offended the non guilty

Welcome to the Republican Party, 2008 version. Where scumbags like James Dobson help set agendas. Where circus acts on the radio somehow determine who is a true Republican and who isn't. Where I'd bet even a candidate named Ronald Reagan would be slammed mercilessly for raising taxes, appointing some 'lousy' judges, not being aggressive enough on abortion, for talking with and seeming to enjoy the company of the Soviets, for shamefully pulling out of Lebanon when the going got tough, for letting Americans be held hostage in Lebanon for years, for appointing liberals like James Baker to high government positions.

Welcome to the Republican Party, 2008 version. Where scumbags like James Dobson help set agendas. Where circus acts on the radio somehow determine who is a true Republican and who isn't. Where I'd bet even a candidate named Ronald Reagan would be slammed mercilessly for raising taxes, appointing some 'lousy' judges, not being aggressive enough on abortion, for talking with and seeming to enjoy the company of the Soviets, for shamefully pulling out of Lebanon when the going got tough, for letting Americans be held hostage in Lebanon for years, for appointing liberals like James Baker to high government positions.

Welcome to the Republican Party, 2008 version. Where scumbags like James Dobson help set agendas. Where circus acts on the radio somehow determine who is a true Republican and who isn't. Where I'd bet even a candidate named Ronald Reagan would be slammed mercilessly for raising taxes, appointing some 'lousy' judges, not being aggressive enough on abortion, for talking with and seeming to enjoy the company of the Soviets, for shamefully pulling out of Beirut when the going got tough, for letting Americans be held hostage in Lebanon for years, for appointing liberals like James Baker and George Shultz to high government positions.

The supposed big-tent GOP is not a big tent when a Rudy Giuiliani manages to win just one delegate, when a Ron Paul is all but deemed a crackpot and when a Mike Huckabee is unacceptable.

Welcome to the Republican Party, 2008 version. Where scumbags like James Dobson help set agendas. Where circus acts on the radio somehow determine who is a true Republican and who isn't. Where I'd bet even a candidate named Ronald Reagan would be slammed mercilessly for raising taxes, appointing some 'lousy' judges, not being aggressive enough on abortion, for talking with and seeming to enjoy the company of the Soviets, for shamefully pulling out of Beirut when the going got tough, for letting Americans be held hostage in Lebanon for years, for appointing liberals like James Baker and George Shultz to high government positions.

The supposed big-tent GOP is not a big tent when a Rudy Giuiliani manages to win just one delegate, when a Ron Paul is all but deemed a crackpot and when a Mike Huckabee is unacceptable.

What Fred said...4 times.

Except the Rudy Giuliani and Mike Huckabee part. :)

But this is what happens when you let the insane wing of the party take over. It's as if the "Free Mumia!" crowd and the A.N.S.W.E.R. crowd ran the Democratic party.

And it's what happens when you have to prop up the reputation of a blithering fuckup like George W. Bush as the standard bearer and icon of conservatism.

And McCain has been sucking up to people like this for the last seven years. That's what's so tragic, is there was a time, back in 2000, when I wanted a matchup of Bill Bradley and John McCain, because that way I'd know that a) my intelligence at least wasn't being insulted; and b) that whoever was elected, I might not agree with anything, but at least I'd know that the president had a brain in his head and wasn't utterly batshit crazy. That McCain has shown himself so willing to embrace (literally and figuratively) George W. Bush means that I may have to =gak= vote for Hillary in November.

I'll do it. But I'll hate myself in the morning. /Bugs Bunny.

All war heroes are actually cowards to Republicans. They hate the military. The voted in lockstep for the Patriot Act because they hate the Constitution and they hate America.

Republicans are traitors and should all be hanged.

People are demented.

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