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Manly men!

USA Today thinks this election could be decided by which candidate is the manliest, and they've provided you with a Flash animation that lets you judge for yourself.

However the election comes out, we've come a long way from those woefully depressing Clinton-Gore days of the "Renaissance Weekend," in which the contest seemed to be about which man could cry the most. Progress indeed.

On a related topic, John Kerry now needs to try to erase his gender gap with Bush. Yes, you read that correctly. According to a NYT/CBS poll, Bush now leads with women nationally, 48 to 43.

Well, Kerry's bold new initiative appears to have worked on one person, at least. Kelly Ripa seemed to have quite the wide-on. Good thing Regis was there to prevent her from crawling onto his lap.


Seperated at birth? John Kerry and the evil stepmother from Cinderella. I watched it with my daughter the other day and the resemblance is eerie.

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