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I think I know...

...what Paul Krugman is doing on his "sabbatical." He's writing incredibly tendentious headlines for The Australian. (via lgf)

Marine captured in cold-blooded murder


What does Paul Krugman have to do with this headline?

Maybe nothing (he said knowingly). Maybe... everything!

I guess I should be grateful that Barry isn't accusing Paul Krugman of actually being in Fallujah fighting with the terrorists. You are either with the Cynical Nation or against it, I suppose.

> You are either with the Cynical Nation or against it, I suppose.

PE, you're just now figuring that out? ;-)

PE, it is a mere metaphor.

Krugman's complete detestation for Bush and everything he represents, including the war in Iraq, has been obvious by his withering ridicule and bombast.

Hence the comment.

Actually, had it been PK, he would have found a way to tie the shooting to orders from Rumsfeld along the lines of:

"Rumsfeld's ill-worded missive from [your date here] caused Iraqi tragedy."

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