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Growing pains

As the numbers of posts, comments and readers for this site have grown over the year, performance has taken a noticeable hit. Many of you have complained about this, and it sucks for me too. It's one of the reasons I haven't been posting as much lately. Moreover, the spam attacks against the site's comments section have been increasing exponentially. Damn them!

I plan to begin the new year by moving Cynical Nation to a new host with a more robust database and an upgraded version of MovableType. With any luck, this will all go smoothly.

In the meantime, however, I'm leaving for a few days to spend Christmas in California. I feel I have no choice but to temporarily disable the comments feature until I get back. If I do not, by next week the site will be nothing but ads for Cialis and "hot teen asian suck sluts." While some of you would no doubt regard this as an improvement, this isn't really a commercial site. And if anybody's going to make a buck off it, it damn well oughtta be me!

Anyway, I wish all of you a Merry Christmas. I'll see you sometime around the end of the year.