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Words fail me. I will not insult the memory of those lost by even pretending that I have anything important or meaningful to say about this tragedy.

The U.S. government has pledged 35 million dollars in aid while the French have pledged 100,000 euros, and yet we are called "stingy." Ah well, that's the world we live in, and I should expect no less.

Still, those who think $35 million is inadequate in the face of this disaster are right. But the true goodness of America lies not with her government, but with the generosity of her people. The donations of well-meaning private citizens will surely dwarf the $35 million Bush promised.

I don't ask for contributions to this site. This blog costs me less money than I spend on beer each month. But if you're a regular reader here, and have ever considered hitting the non-existing tipjar, I'd encourage you instead to pick the charity of your choice, and make a contribution to a part of the world that could really use it right now.

Update: Command Post has a helpful roundup of how you can help.