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Light blogging alert

I'm really busy at work, and we have an epic plumbing disaster in our house right now. The plumber is upstairs and I just heard a horrible racket that sounded like a truckload full of monkey wrenches being dumped into a giant steel vat. I'm afraid to go look.

Anyway, I'll probably have a diminished presence here today....

UPDATE: Now there's sawing, and I just saw one of the guys walking upstairs with a blowtorch....


Carpenter joke:
Q.Why do plumbers use chainsaws to open up the floor for drain lines?
A. They aren't licensed to use dynamite.
Good luck

Please tell me you have hot water.

Paul, that's about right, although these plumbers were very good, I have to say.

Yes, K, we have hot *and* cold water now, thanks for your concern The plumbing crisis is over. Now, we're just left with two f*cked-up walls and a ceiling that need to be fixed. It's always something, right? :-)

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