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True Confessions

Okay, this is embarrassing, but here goes.

Back in the 80's, when I was in college and subscribed to National Review, I had a mad crush on Maggie Gallagher. We corresponded briefly, and I actually proposed marriage to her at one point. Thank God she declined.

In my defense, this was back in the day when she actually wrote about politics, and discussed subjects other than marriage. These days, I'm afraid, she's a bit of a broken record. She's more obsessed with marriage than Michelle Malkin is with immigrants. She's such a one-note Johnny that I don't even bother to read her columns anymore, because frankly they bore me to tears.

I'm talking about Maggie now, of course, because it's transpiring that she was also paid an Armstrong Williams-like fee to promote the president's position -- on marriage.

Now let's leave aside the ethics of the whole thing for a moment, and just ask the question: WHAT IN GOD'S NAME WAS THE WHITE HOUSE THINKING?!?! Fer chrissakes, paying Maggie Gallagher to pimp for marriage is like paying the pope to hawk abstinence!

Dear Lord, sometimes I just gotta shake my head and wonder....

UPDATE: In fairness to Maggie, she says the earlier reports of her arrangement were misleading.


I'm not touching the prior correspondence thing. It was college. I'll leave it at that. :)

She didn't remember being paid $21,000 to write a brochure? I have to find a job where being paid that kind of money is so incidental that it is so easily forgotten.

Another crook as far as I'm concerned.
The sad reality is that nothing will be done about it. Noone cares. We deserve what we get.
Yeah Bush!

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