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From the "cold, dead fingers" department

What the hell? Via The Volokh Conspiracy, we learn this troubling bit regarding the forced evacuation of New Orleans. Not only are they compelling the residents to leave, they are also confiscating any and all firearms, including legal ones. "Only law enforcement are allowed to have weapons," the superintendent of police said.

I'd like more details than the article provides before rendering a final verdict, but this concerns me. Is this a temporary measure, to prevent guns being taken to shelters, or miscreants from seizing guns in abandoned homes? And if so, is there any provision for the eventual return of the guns? I hope someone besides me asks these questions.


I imagine it's because of the shooting at the search and rescue teams. Although, I think I heard somewhere that the shots weren't aimed at anyone but in lieu of setting off a flare since most people don't have flare guns in their homes.

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