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Senator Affleck?

Oh hell, why not? Surely he can't be as bad a legislator as he is an actor.

But what does it say about the current state of the Democratic Party, that their hottest prospect is in actively trying to recruit... Ben Affleck. Think about that, people. Ben. Fricken. Affleck.

I swear, the Republicans have one thing, and I mean only one thing going for them right now -- their opposition.

(Hat tip: Ace)


Surely he can't be as bad a legislator as he is an actor.
I'll take that bet.

Ehhh...He's OK. It's that stupid duck of his that I can't stand.

=/ dear god

I actually really liked him in Chasing Amy and Good Will Hunting. His movie choices since then have been...well, yeah. Politics? Why not? California has the governator, right? Why shouldn't Massachusetts have a daredevil?

Ronald Reagan and Schwarzenegger were bad actors, too, and look where they ended up. And if Sonny Bono and Fred Thompson can get elected...

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