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This is just pathetic

I may be one of the few people who voted Libertarian today, but apparently I'm not alone in thinking that Corzine and Forrester both... well, suck. Far from it, actually. According to the final Marist poll, I've got plenty of company. Here's how the favorable/unfavorable numbers break down for the two candidates.

Corzine: 46/49
Forrester: 44/50

That is pathetic, people. Absolutely, ass-suck pathetic. We need to ask ourselves why we so often end up in this position -- being forced to choose between two candidates whom practically no one likes.

And people have been asking me how I can "throw my vote away" like I did. Well, this is why. The candidates we have been "given" by unelected political parties are crap. But as long as we keep playing their game, it merely encourages them. So long as we keep plodding into the voting booths like blind sheep and pulling the lever for the "lesser of two evils," nothing will ever change. Why should it?

You know, I would love to vote for a candidate who promises to fight the corrupt New Jersey political machine and to drastically reduce this state's exorbitant property taxes. The problem is, I have zero confidence that Forrester will actually do either. The guy's honestly a bit slimy, in my opinion, and he tailors his opinions depending on whom he's speaking to. I find it frankly unacceptable that the New Jersey Republican Party can't field a better candidate than this perennial annoyance.

Corzine, of course, is out of the question. He's the worst of all possible worlds for me -- an economic liberal who, at the same time, is bought and paid for by corporate interests and corrupt party machinery. Where have all the Paul Wellstones gone? I don't think there are anymore, frankly. Not in the Senate anyway. I often disagreed with Wellstone, of course, but I think he was a man of conviction and principle and not just some pathetic corporate whore.

Anyway, here's another bold prediction, New Jersey:

Your next governor will suck.


well, our man got 2 votes today, Barry. Mine and yours. See? I ain't no bleeding heart lib!

I don't consider that "throwing your vote away." Why choose between "the lesser to evils?"

You're still going to end up with evil.

I did the same in NYC voting for Tom Ognibene on the Conservative Line. I know he has no chance, but a vote for him is a vote against the other two.

I don't consider that "throwing your vote away." Why choose between "the lesser two evils?"

You're still going to end up with evil.

I did the same in NYC voting for Tom Ognibene on the Conservative Line. I know he has no chance, but a vote for him is a vote against the other two.

I don't blame you, Barry.

In 1970, while still a liberal Democrat, I was so turned off by Dick Ottinger and James Buckley (out of the question then) that I voted for the incumbernt by appointment, Charlie Goodell.

My mother screamed at me when Buckley won claiming I was the reason Buckley pulled it out.

Know what? I didn't care. I voted for whom I thought was the best man.

I would do it again today.

Good for you Mal.

If more people did that, we might be better off.

I've been guilty of supporting someone I didn't like (Bush Sr) because of ancillary issues like the Supreme Court...I probably should've voted Libertarian or Conservative. Should've, but didn't.


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