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Turning on Hackett

Moonbats are a fickle lot. One minute they're masturbating over Paul Hackett as if he's the Second Coming, and the next they're sending him straight to hell. The precipitating event seems to be Hackett's decision not to support Sherrod Brown in his Ohio Senate campaign.

It's hilarious to read some of the reasons the DUmmies have for turning against Hackett. He's "temperamental," "egotistical," a "loose cannon" with "attitude."

Hello?! Have any of you been paying attention at all during this campaign?! That Paul Brown exhibited all of these character traits in spades was painfully obvious to even the most casual observer from the get-go. Now the moonbats want to complain because Hackett isn't a "team player?" ROTFLMAO!! The whole reason they were enamored of him in the first place was precisely because he bucked the DNC establishment.

It's part of a pattern with these people. Remember during the 2004 campaign how voraciously liberals defended Kerry against "wingnut smears?" Then as soon as he lost, they turned on him like yesterday's garbage, levying the exact same charges (flip-flopping, a haughty, wooden demeanor) against him as the Republicans had.

Bizarre psychology these people have. They run hotter and colder than my first college girlfriend. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if she were one of those DU posters.


"Bizarre psychology these people have. They run hotter and colder than my first college girlfriend. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if she were one of those DU posters" (Barry)

I'm really sorry to hear that Barry, must've been hell.

Thankfully you came around and (gulp!) matured since College.

'allo 'allo, what's all this then? New location, Barry?

Yep, new server, new host. You're the first to notice. In fact, my own DNS is still pointing me to the old site.

Again, just why?

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