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This guy is my hero.


National school of excellence? That's frightening!

A good gag, but it was ganked from The Man Show.

Those nice young women were willing to go along with anything it seems and all this clown wanted them to do was sign a petition.

Who's the ditz?

"Those nice young women were willing to go along with anything it seems and all this clown wanted them to do was sign a petition.

Who's the ditz?"

They were apparently willing to SIGN anything, NOT "go along with anything," there Bob.

That makes'em DUMB, not necessarily NICE.

It was kinda cruel, but then again most gags that play on folk's ignorance or naviete are.

I think these types of gags prove a couple of things. People don't read what they're signing. Period. And they'll do anything when in front of a camera. All you have to do is look at Fox, WB and UPN for proof of that.

THAT may very well be overwhelmingly true K, though, to be fair, in this case, the women really didn't seem to KNOW what Suffrage actually meant.

It wasn't only that they failed to read, or even misread what they were signing, BUT they seemed to clearly not understand what the questioner was asking when he sought their signatures on a "petition to end women's Suffrage."

Only ONE of those shown on film (impossible to say if there were more given the ease of editing) refused to sign, knowing that Suffrage had nothing to do with suffering.

>They were apparently willing to SIGN anything, NOT "go along with anything," there Bob

And you know this how?

No Bob, you've got that entirely backwards, THIS statement of yours is complete and unwarranted conjecture; "Those nice young women were willing to go along with anything it seems and all this clown wanted them to do was sign a petition."

Not a one of them indicated that they were willing to "go along with anything" with the questioner. You engaged in a bit of purile conjecture that was not supported by either the actions or demeanor of any of the women filmed.

That's why my statement is not entirely conjecture, given the context of their actions and demeanor.

Again, they (the ones filmed, minus one) were DUMB, not necessarily NICE.

One man's puerile conjecture is another man's joke...

Of course these women are dumb, couldn't you see I was trying to make a joke at their expense?

Dude, you really got to lighten up.

The printed format is a very imperfet means of communication Bob. I've found that out many times myself...sarcasm, hyperbole and maybe even pathos (though I've never tried that one) are all tough to get across.

geeze, guys? Can you say 'I need a tampon tomorrow?'' :D

Hell, why should I suffer alone? Jill?...Do you get yours by the dozen?..and who's your supplier???

Jillz was stolen by the christofascists who want women prostrated.

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