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The VIP room

Man, it's so strange to see behind the scenes here.

I mean, you guys wouldn't believe how much porn he has saved as drafts, just waiting for the moment he retires from blogging to be released so he can go out with a bang.

...no pun intended.


> ...you guys wouldn't believe how much porn he has saved as drafts....

Hey, if there's one place my wife would never look....

Why dont you go ahead and publish it then? It will probably double the number of hits to the blog :)

Suddenly a recent book purchase makes some sense...

Yeah K, ...that dirty little bastard! :D

Incidentally, who was it that called that the blonde one would sing "Bohemian Raphsody"? I missed it, but I read on TWoP that it wasn't as awesomely bad as I had imagined it would be and was really pretty okay. Was it?

That was me. It was pretty OK...

...but I was wrong about the calamari.

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