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Shaken, not stirred -- with a side of eggs

Folks, I give you the world-famous bacon martini.

...made by marinating three strips of fine-cured Tennessee bacon in vodka for 24 hours, then straining it through shaken ice. It's served in martini glass, with a piece of bacon on the bottom like a tequila worm.


This is as creative as I'm willing to get when it comes to martinis:

That's just very, very wrong. Very, very wrong.

"That's just very, very wrong. Very, very wrong." (K)

Hmmmmmm....I just have to ask, "The pig on the bar...or the bacon in the booze?"

Sounds like breakfast! Do you fry up the marinated bacon afterward or have it flambe?

I like the pig. But pig (even a fake stuffed one) swilling bacon vodka? *shudder* So, so wrong.

"Sounds like breakfast! Do you fry up the marinated bacon afterward or have it flambe?" (Paul Moore)
"I like the pig. But pig (even a fake stuffed one) swilling bacon vodka? *shudder* So, so wrong." (K)
"Is that really bacon in that glass?"

Seeing that pig makes it obvious that, "Yes, it is."

That's one of the things I've always found profoundly interesting - how different people can perceive the same picture, article, phrase, word, completely, or at least somewhat differently.

It's perceptual differences like that, like the same word meaning two different things to two different people, that makes real communication somewhat more challenging.

Are we trying to exclude the jewish population from becoming blind drunk with the pig vodka inn crowd?

Hmmm, I here a riot coming on. ;)

I remember (way off topic) when I was a housekeeper in a Kosher household, sneaking in a ham sub to eat in my room, and coming in the front door ( a brownstone in NYC) and trying to talk over and deflect the eyes and nose of Sharon from my obviously deli wrapped sub...) I just couldn't stand boiled chicken...can you blame a girl???

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