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The future of the GOP

Bob Novak, depressing as ever, reports that the newly minted GOP minority is on track to re-elect essentially the same leadership roster. Couple that with the recent decision to to let Mel Martinez head the RNC and it's enough to have Republicans chugging Zoloft like Tic-Tacs. This party may spend more time in the wilderness than I thought.

The only bright spots for Republicans these days seem to be related to the race for the White House, which has, believe it or not, already begun. This week saw Giuliani and McCain both form exploratory committees while they both continue to top GOP preference polls. I know a lot of people doubt that either of these men could actually clinch the GOP nomination. They may be right, but I don't believe them. Surely, if they are ever going to make a go of it, 2008 would be the year.

In any case, 2008 is the GOP's last chance for me. I'm remaining a registered Republican for now because I want to vote for one of these two men in the presidential primary. If they lose, however, and the Republicans nominate someone lame, I see no reason to remain in the club.


It will be interesting to see the vote count for GOP leadership: how many votes real reformists like Pence and others get in their leadership races against old dogs like Blunt.

I find it far more depressing that there are no similar reform types in the Senate, where noxious Mitch McConnell will be leader and Retread Lott is vying for the No. 2 post.

We start with the Xmas commercials in early November now, so why not start running for president as soon as the mid-terms are over. I was so disgusted with the reporting this year, which covered everything like it was a horse race and not at all like it was an election, that I am not surprised they treat the presidency this way and it all gets going earlier and earlier. Our republic is subjugated to TV now: it's entire purpose is to sell detergent.

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