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You know that song "McArthur Park?"

Well I'm not sure, but I think that "cake" might be a metaphor.


It's stupid Bush's fault that the cake was left out in the rain.

You think it's a metaphor? Because I'm pretty sure it's literal.

Someone left the cake out in the rain, and I don't think that I can take it, 'cause it took so long to bake it, and I'll never have that recipe again.

Seriously, as a literal sentence it's stupid, but as a metaphor, it's beyond obtuse.

Someone left the yellowcake in the rain.

Why the hell would anyone leave a cake out in the rain?

What a stupid song.

and the real bummer is he'll never have that recipe agaaaaain. Oh no.

Although parts of the song are stupid, such as the quoted lyric above, and basically all the lyrics (which I do believe are all completely literal), musically it is a decent song.

It is a metaphor. Cake=infant.

Someone left the cake out in the rain, (a couple was traveling cross-country in 2 cars, when they left the park each of them thought the other had the bayby, neither did, baby died)

and I don't think that I can take it, 'cause it took so long to bake it, (9 months)

and I'll never have that recipe again. (each child is unique)

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